Family Health Team IT and EMR Specialists




FHT Content Management System

How can you make changes to your website content? With other vendors and web designers your only choice is to return to the developer, or some other web programmer, and have the changes made. This can can take time and cost money. FHT Solutions is working to overcome these drawbacks by putting the control of the frequently changing conent into your hands.

Through our custom designed Content Management System you gain control, can make changes amazingly quickly and easily, and can save save a lot of money. Here's how it works, a generalised workflow:

  1. Login to the Team Portal - to gain access to the administrator's tools
  2. Select the area you want to work on.
  3. Create, edit or delete items
  4. Goto the main page and see your changes - live and immediately
  5. That's it!

The following example shows how a Event/Course/Session can be modified, and the changes made public immediately.

STEP 1 -- Login to the Team Portal - to gain access to the administrator's tools



In this case the user is going to fix a two spelling errors in a "Event", so she selects "Manage Events"


STEP 3 -- Create, edit or delete items

Choose the item to "Edit" from the events list:


And click "Edit" to make a change:



STEP4 -- Goto the main page and see your changes - live and immediately

Make sure your change looks right.


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